A statistics student, some time back, posted on Facebook a joke about (1) a large pizza, (2) statisticians, (3) applied mathematicians and (4) theoretical mathematicians. The punch line was that the first three could each "feed a family of four."
At the time, the joke seemed to be aimed at “the other half” of our department program, at our students in theoretical (pure) mathematics. As graduate coordinator in our pure math program, I took the post a little personally. My frustration with the joke was not just that it seemed to say, “We [stat students] are better than you — we will get jobs and you won’t!” but that it was simply wrong.
At the time, the joke seemed to be aimed at “the other half” of our department program, at our students in theoretical (pure) mathematics. As graduate coordinator in our pure math program, I took the post a little personally. My frustration with the joke was not just that it seemed to say, “We [stat students] are better than you — we will get jobs and you won’t!” but that it was simply wrong.
There seems to be a strong demand for students in a theoretical (or “pure”) math program, but a popular belief in our cultural is that all mathematicians ever do is teach.
Why hire theoretical mathematicians?
A mathematician learns to solve a vague, fuzzy problem by organizing the problem into a coherent form and then using various tools to attack this coherent problem. Since every problem begins with a vague, poorly defined stage, these problem-solving tools are valuable in industry and in applied mathematics, even if the original training is theoretical.Higher education often trains people to be specialists, to be excellent in a narrow field. This can be very good. We need chemical engineers, actuaries, statisticians, mathematical biologists, petroleum engineers … and nurses and doctors. But training in theoretical mathematics tends to avoid this specialization, concentrating instead of deep understand of general mathematical principles. This creates a certain tension in the job market — do companies prefer a specialist, assigned to a particular task, or a generalist who is good at solving problems of all types? It depends….
From my experience, both specialists and generalists have their place, but it is foolish to require education to focus on a single small specialty.
An undergraduate student timidly knocked on my office door one afternoon, several years ago. I invited her in and she began to discuss her “problem.” She liked math but didn’t want to teach. Her dad wanted her to be a chemist because he wanted her to have a real job (like he did.) He was convinced that if she pursued her desire to major in math then she would have to be a teacher if she wanted to have a paycheck. After we chatted a bit, I wrote her a long email (meant to be read by dad) that laid out all the various job opportunities available in mathematics. Eventually she majored in math, did an undergraduate research project in statistics (yes, statistics!) and received a large fellowship to pursue doctoral studies at a major university. Yes, you can love mathematics and get paid a lot of money. (And no, you won’t be teaching. Obviously if you are making a lot of money, you are not teaching....)
One of our graduate students had a similar problem. Her father worked for a major international corporation which builds agricultural machinery. He wasn’t very eager for his daughter to get a masters degree in mathematics because he wanted her to get a job after school. The delightful part of this story is that after her masters degree, a certain company interviewed her and, due to her mathematical training, offered her a job with a salary higher than her father’s. What company was interested in her mathematical training? The same company that her dad worked for! (It was just a different branch.)
Around 1990, I spent a year at the National Security Agency (NSA) as part of a mathematical sabbatical. The National Security Agency has literally thousands of mathematicians working there (probably over ten thousand -- but the exact number is classified.) Outside the NSA there are more thousands of mathematicians working for the various defense contractors such as Westinghouse. (There are also defense contractors in other parts of the country, including Texas.)
Our cell phone technology would not exist without the mathematicians who design the codes to carry the digital signals. Our internet commerce would not exist were it not for the mathematicians who designed the public key encryption schemes that allow us to securely exchange information through computer servers.
How is this related to undergraduate research?
Underneath the belief that "all you can do with math is teach it", is a belief that mathematics is a dead subject. Vibrant, growing fields require that people engage in that field; dead, stagnant subjects only have room for teachers.
There are a variety of ways to emphasize the explorative processes in the growing field of mathematics. Certainly one of the best ways to communicate the living nature of mathematics is to get students engaged in research in the subject!
Here I've tried to collect some online sources that talk about the importance of mathematics and its value is science and society.There are a variety of ways to emphasize the explorative processes in the growing field of mathematics. Certainly one of the best ways to communicate the living nature of mathematics is to get students engaged in research in the subject!
Some resources
A recent NPR article describes the search for mathematicians to analyze big data.
A Wall Street Journal article describes the career of mathematician as one of the top, most desired jobs.
One of my favorite blogs to read is FutilityCloset; the blog has an interesting story, "Augury", on the connections between math and science.
Stanford mathematician, Keith Devlin, teaches a MOOC on mathematical thinking.
The Mathematical Association of America has some webpages devoted to the question, "What can I do with a math major?" Here are some of the sample careers off of the MAA web page:
http://www.maa.org/careers/denbleyker.html (Janet denBleyker -- actuary)
http://www.maa.org/careers/murray.html (Math major whose interests led him into computer science)
http://www.maa.org/careers/lentz.html (Biostaticians whose interests led her on to a Ph.D. in animal science)
http://www.maa.org/careers/stabbe.html (Math major whose mathematical training eventually lead him to law school.)
Mathematicians are sought after in almost every area of industry. The US government has been trying to fix the "crisis" in math and science for some time. Earlier in this decade (about 2005) Congress had a committee look into the decline in American capabilities in science and technology. The result was a report, "Rising Above the Gathering Storm: Energizing and Employing America For A Brighter Economic Future." That report suggested some significant changes in the way the US prepares people for industry. The top suggestion, coming from that investigation, addressing the country's greatest need, was: "Action A-1: Annually recruit 10,000 science and mathematics teachers by awarding 4-year scholarships and thereby educating 10 million minds."
The reason for making STEM teaching a top priority is simply that we don't have enough people trained in science and math for the country's needs. And to get good mathematicians, we need more math teachers! Now, a lot of people have focused on the "teaching" part of this statement, but the reason the report mentions teachers is because the country desperately needs their students! There are NOT enough math majors in this country for the jobs we have!
The reason for making STEM teaching a top priority is simply that we don't have enough people trained in science and math for the country's needs. And to get good mathematicians, we need more math teachers! Now, a lot of people have focused on the "teaching" part of this statement, but the reason the report mentions teachers is because the country desperately needs their students! There are NOT enough math majors in this country for the jobs we have!